In July of 2020, Thunder Bay Ventures put together about 100 PPE Care Packages for entrepreneurs and smalls businesses in Thunder Bay. The goal of this project was to provide these entrepreneurs and small businesses with gloves, masks, sanitizer, disinfectant spray and more so that they could safely reopen and follow the provincial health and...
Author: Ginu Pauly (Ginu Pauly)
PPE Round Two
In November of 2020, Thunder Bay Ventures created a second PPE Care Package to help entrepreneurs and small businesses in Thunder Bay. The PPE Care Package was very similar to the first one, we included mask, gloves, sanitizer, disinfectant sprays. We also included a USB with a list of local programs for entrepreneur to access...
HSIB Webinars
Working collaboratively with Head Start in Business, Thunder Bay Ventures is providing information on Community Economic Development. As well, we are providing the resources that Community Future Organizations offer individuals who are looking to start or expand a business. Our information, will be included in a Head Start webinar. The informative webinar will be shared...
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